
Why Won't You Bleed? Part 2

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        Bel lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. His mind was blank and the only thing he could feel was a dull pain in his arm. His crimson blood dripped from the gash slashed across it and fell into a shallow puddle on the floor, where it seemed to disappear as it blended in with the carpet.
        He raised his arm to watch the droplets slide toward his elbow and mumbled, "My royal blood..."
        Someone knocked on the door, and Bel looked up, growling, "That better not be the toad."
        "No, no," said Lussuria, opening the door and coming inside, "It's just me." He stopped right in front of the door after closing it and surveyed the damage. Several knives were stuck in each of the four walls and a couple on the ceiling. The blankets were ripped to shreds and thrown to floor, which was covered with little silver knives sticking out.
        "Bel," Lussuria tried to take a step forward, only to realize that all of the knives had wires attached to them, a thin slice ran along his cheek.
       Bel smirked slightly, "Wouldn't want you to get hurt... now would we?" He continued to just stare at the blood running down his arm.
       "Bel! What did you do to yourself?!" Lussuria reached forward, trying to see his wound even though Bel was across the room, only to get cut again.
       "I just wanted a little fun..." Bel's slight smirk twisted into a confused frown as he stared at his own blood. "My own, royal blood..." He then switched his gaze to Lussuria and turned his head to the side, and said in a childish voice, "It was always fun before."
       "Bel-chan, I think you have the wrong idea about Fran. Whoever told you he was cheating on you must be lying, Fran would never do such a thing." Lussuria started forward again, wanting to sit down next to Bel.
       Bel turned away and threw another knife at the ceiling, the wire slicing his cheek, "No one told me, I saw them."
       Lussuria looked surprised by this news, "Perhaps an illusion...?"
       Bel snorted, "I seem to spend all my time with illusionists, I know when something's real or not," then added so quietly Lussuria barely heard it, "Or, at least I thought I did..."
       "Maybe if we got Fran's side of the story you could see this was a misunderstanding."
       "It wasn't a misunderstanding! I know what I saw! That bastard was all over Fran and Fran was enjoying it!"
Part two of my BelFran fic.... I was gonna make this part finish it, but didn't have any ideas to go after this... Anyway, enjoy!

P.S. Sorry if the indenting is off slightly, but... dA hates indents, so I had to do it with spaces x_x

Part 1: [link]
Part 3: [link]
Part 4: [link]
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